vineri, 13 iunie 2008

Brilliant Adwords

SEO is an abbreviation for "search engine optimizer." Search engines are one of the primary ways that Internet users find Web sites. That's why a Web site with good search engine listings may see a dramatic increase in traffic. Everyone wants those good listings. Many SEOs and other agencies and consultants provide useful services for website owners, from writing copy to giving advice on site architecture and helping to find relevant directories to which a site can be submitted.
Adwords is a brilliantly simple much so that once it went online it blew away the competition. Yahoo! and now MSN has followed suit. The brilliant concept is very easy to understand. You lazer target specific people who are searching for something specific. In essence, you are highlighting a specific solution to a specific problem. And the cool thing is, because they know it is an advert they are less surprised that they are being sold to- therefore less likely to click off your site straight away.